Oahu Scuba- Oahu Scuba Diving Hawaii ! Dive Oahu Honolulu, discover scuba with us, shipwreck scuba diving, Hawaii scuba, beginner diving, first time scuba diving Oahu advanced, certification courses and referrals. Scuba dive in Oahu - Waikiki Honolulu Diving ! Going diving just got easier !
Haven't been scuba diving in 30 years ? Got your certification in 1923? Did you try calling PADI and they referred you to the National Archives in Washington? What about this one, does eBay call you occasionally trying to purchase your sea card to sell alongside of Civil War memorabilia ? Then you need a Refresher Dive Course right away ! Come out with Oahu Diving and our seasoned well trained scuba diving instructors can get you back in the water in no time at all. Dust off that old sea card, start gluing and taping your old logbook back together and call us.
Our Scuba Refresher is a thorough review of knowledge and skills
that are current and up to date with scuba industry standards. Our refreshing course starts in the mid-morning charter.
This is done for 2 reasons. Ease of dive locations and better
attention to the diver. Taking you
from the beginning, our scuba instructors will work directly with
you on scuba set-up, usage and skills such as mask clearing,
out-of-air scenarios and regulator recoveries. On the boat before we
depart we will actually do some practice skills, getting you back
into the "groove" of diving and making you feel more comfortable
and in control. Scuba diving in Oahu is obviously
different than say doing beach dives in California. Therefore our
scuba diving instructors will also update you on to dive in Hawaii, what we will expect and the type of diving we will be
doing. Here is a list of what we will be going over with.