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Scuba Diving in Oahu - Angler Reef

Scuba Diving Locations in Hawaii

Angler Reef of Oahu is a great Hawaii scuba dive - Oahu Diving does this tour weekly.

Situated approximately 1 mile west of Koko Marina and roughly 1/2 mile off shore AFR (Angler Fish Reef) is one of those dives that is shallow yet has an Hawaii advanced diving feel. Especially if you do this Oahu dive location at night. This dive is definitely a boat dive and takes about 10 minutes to get there making this Oahu scuba diving adventure a must do.

This Hawaii scuba diving location is great for beginners and novice alike. The layout of AFR is simple. A coral encrusted lava rock plateau runs parallel with the shore line for about 70 yards until it blends in with the sandy bottom. The top of the plateau is 40 feet with the very bottom at a 45 foot depth. Most people swim alongside the plateau in a easterly direction until it starts to gradually disappears then most hop on the "table" or plateau for a return portion of the dive. (Heading west from the mooring line is ok however the plateau is very short in length. Do this if you have air remaining.)

AFR is sometimes subjected to occasional strong currents so this Oahu dive location you need to use the mooring line- it's a very good idea. Actually there is usually a current in some sort of strength out in this location of Oahu. Not as bad as the Corsair Plane Wreck located in Oahu or a Hawaii shipwreck but it can be tricky. Marine life that makes this reef their home is abundant, similar to the Yo-257 shipwreck. The name Angler Fish Reef comes from the fact that frog fish are found here NOT angler fish. Weird huh? It takes a very good eye to find these cool fish. Their camouflage rivals octopus. They sit or wedge themselves on rock or coral ledges waiting for a good meal to accept their invitation. Frog fish use a small "angler" located on their forehead (which is what resembles the deep fish called angler fish)that they use to draw potential prey in, then strike at amazing speeds. It is said they strike the fastest at a claimed speed of 1/1000 of a second. So don't blink your eyes ! As you swim along the ledge of the 5 foot high plateau you will notice tons of reef fish that make this area their home. Butterfly fish, squirrel fish and various kinds of trigger fish are popular here. Often divers can find various kinds of eels , big and small. This is a great dive for taking pictures so take your time.

Looking around, the occasional eagle ray will cruise by you like your not even there. Try not to approach it right away, let the eagle ray swim past you for the better view. Too many divers often swim after these rays causing the ray to get spooked, chasing it away. So hang back and let it swim by you .Better for your pictures. As you come towards the end of the plateau turn around and do a 180 degree turn and swim up on the "table" for the return. Again I usually find octopuses and other cool creatures here. As the mooring line comes into view start thinking about your accent. Use the mooring line to help in the accent. Sometimes the current might have picked up during your dive. Once back to the boat, grab the ladder THEN take those fins off. All in all , AFR is a cool dive, not a deep dive like a wreck in Oahu or shipwreck in Hawaii but with plenty of fish, this little dive is one that many like to return to.

Thanks for visiting Oahu Diving of Hawaii. Hawaii scuba diving locations Angler Reef, beginner scuba diving specialists, diving boat charters and PADI Scuba courses in Honolulu, Hawaii.