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Spitting Caves Diving Location in Oahu-30-50ft.

Hawaii Diving Locations and Oahu Dive Sites

So you wanna cave dive in Hawaii? Or how about drift diving in Hawaii? Diving Oahu is a must. The Spitting Caves Oahu diving location is your answer. Spitting Caves has around 5 different sized caves naturally carved out from thousands of years of constant ocean pounding and strong currents. Although not a deep Hawaii scuba dive like the Yo-257 shipwreck diving or Corsair plane wreck location, Spitting Caves is a Oahu dive that bottoms out around 50 feet, then gradually deepens to 140. After that it slowly gets deeper towards the blue Hawaiian Pacific water. This is where the Oahu shipwrecks are located. But this is a drift dive so hang in there. Getting there is easy and occasionally bumpy. Boat ride takes around 10 minutes from the Hawaii-Kai boat marina. Not long, but it is a great idea to have all of your gear ready to go before departing. Check with us on the condition for the particular day you might want join us.

Once we head out it is over to the lava-rock cliffs that make Hawaii so beautiful. These cliffs do have million dollar houses perched above so don't look at them! That'll for sure make you seasick ! This area is called Port Lock and at the time of this writing the average price for this area was, well way more than we make. Ok, our captain pulls fairly close to the huge rock wall, with the ocean pounding on the face it is time to go. We grab a dive float for this one due to the fact that this could turn into a drift dive or we can just use a scuba diving sausage. The captain can follow our flag for easy pick-up. Great idea and very safe. Once down, the first thing you will notice is the enormous sized lava boulders with strange canal-like carvings snaking all over. I am guessing this is a small scale lava tubes where molten lava from say nearby Mt. Koko ran down into the sea thousands of years ago. Pretty sea urchins, stars and other small crabs make their home inside these endless little roads. But enough with the small stuff.

Lets focus on why we are here. Well, there are a few residents of this location you should be aware of. The Hawaiian monk seals hang out all the time. The chances of seeing theses huge mammals are very good. They snooze in the caves, come up to the surface for air then do most of their hunting in this area eating small crabs, fish and certain urchins. Monk seals are big, to say the least they are a little intimidating. I have dove with big sharks such as the tiger sharks and Galapagos sharks but these monk seals kind of freak me out. Maybe it is the resemblance to dogs that does it. They are very curious too. Often checking you out and just hanging about 20 feet away from you. Upon further inspections of the caves we can also find resting white tip reef sharks. These sharks are mostly the smaller type of reef sharks that inhabit the reefs of Hawaii while scuba diving in Oahu. Very common. Although I seen pretty big white tip reef sharks so don't let your guard down, in other words don't poke at them or try to grab them in any way.

Scuba diving in Hawaii does have some dive dangers that you should be aware of. Going into the caves are simple. We don't need special lights, lines or extra air tanks for cave diving in Oahu. These caves are big in terms of open space. So it is great for all dives, even fairly new scuba divers. The caves are fun to go all the way back and snap a bunch of pictures of people coming in, makes for a great picture. Ok, time to check air, You should be ok. This dive isn't terribly deep so air goes a long way. However a good manager of air underwater makes the difference between a prudent diver and an imprudent diver. (my old scuba dive instructor said this, I like it !) There are around 5 caves to explore of different shapes and sizes. We'll actually try to enter most of them. Most have different kinds of marine life. Sometimes you get the sharks, other caves a monk seal chilling out or turtles snoozing away in others. Plenty of turtles do make their home here so if you like turtles this would be a scuba dive in Oahu for you. Other interesting fish are manta rays, eagle rays and the dreaded tiger shark all have been seen here regularly. No fences underwater! Anything goes, game on ! Ok, once we start getting low on air- about 700-1000 PSI should be the magic number, it is time to head back up. No need to do a safety stop, remember 50 foot was our max in that and 35 feet was the average depth. The boat will be waiting, just head over on the surface a bit, grab the ladder then take your fins off and climb on board.

Hawaii scuba diving is fun, very different than Caribbean diving or say Indonesia. You will definitely enjoy this Oahu drift dive or Oahu cave dive -pretty much any diver can do this particular scuba dive location on any day. Rough days could be a little tougher obviously. Oahu scuba diving in Hawaii with drift dives, cave diving and shipwreck dives.

Thanks for visiting Oahu Diving of Hawaii. Your beginner scuba diving specialists, diving boat charters in Honolulu, Hawaii.