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Scuba Diving in Oahu - Corner Pockets Reef

Scuba Diving Locations in Hawaii

Scuba divers of Oahu and particularly Honolulu love this dive located right out from Hawaii Kai marina just west of the famous Diamond Head mountain. The commute takes about 10-15 minutes and is by far one of the best view of Oahu from the ocean. Million dollar houses sparsely dot the lower and middle sections of the beautiful Oahu mountains with the all mighty present view of Mt. Koko, which means "blood" in Hawaiian. This was formed millions of years ago from the Koolau Volcano. The area is actually the Koolau Mountain Range which is 37 miles long and has the highest peak at roughly 3150 feet. Just perfect for sight seeing helicopters.

The ride at sometimes can be a little bumpy to say the least, calm winds would be the ideal time to do this dive with winds picking up later on in the day say after 3. Oahu scuba divers will notice that there is a buoy planted underwater that is attached directly to the reef top which is roughly 40 feet. This dive is not a deep dive, maximum depth should be around 55 feet. Surprisingly though it feels like a 70 to 80 foot dive. Maybe it is just me but this is the feeling I get when diving this Oahu dive location.

The name "Corner Pockets" was given to this reef because of the resemblance of a pool table. There are areas of this reef that have a interesting flat top, of course with coral everywhere that abruptly stops with pool table like corner pockets. Hard to explain until you see it but it is very interesting. This Oahu scuba dive is one of the few that have such a huge amount of butterfly fish. These fish follow divers but not for food. What they do is wait for the Hawaii scuba diver to (sorry about that key word LOL) move next to the sergeant major fish's that is protecting eggs attached to a rock. Of course the diver scares the sergeant major fish away, the butterfly fish all come in and start eating the eggs. One thing I have noticed is fish are pretty darn smart. They do take advantage of our divers being down there.

This Oahu scuba dive Corner Pockets can be also turned into a Oahu drift dive. We do this scuba dive after a full moon for a great Oahu drift dive. In this case we will not only cover Corner Pockets but a few scattered reefs along the way. I love to do this type of diving. Ok, I haven't even mentioned what cool things to see here. Well, we seen lots of stingrays and eagle rays here since the sides of the reef is pretty flat, sandy and a rocky. These cousins of the sharks love this area and occasionally can be seen foraging for some food. Although not everyday we also get to see some sharks cruise by on their way to a luncheon such as the tiger shark. Turtles also make a showing here preferring to sleep in the small ancient lava made caves and crevices.

In conclusion Corner Pockets Oahu scuba dive is a great place, usually with visibility around 80 feet. I honestly don't recall of a bad day underwater here due to the visibility. Due take some ginger before coming out to this location. Ginger is great remedy for sea-sickness and is an excellent alternative to medication that can make you feel drowsy. Corner Pockets is usually done after our first deep dive say to the Corsair wreck or the Mini Barge shipwreck. First time scuba divers are also welcomed here at this reef. We can always tailor this scuba dive for everyone. Divers from all kinds of levels of experience will find this area a memorable place and a must entry in their dive logs.

Corner Pockets of Oahu is a great Hawaii scuba dive - Oahu Diving does this tour weekly.

Thanks for visiting Oahu Diving of Hawaii. Hawaii scuba diving locations Corner Pockets reef, beginner scuba diving specialists, diving boat charters and PADI Scuba courses in Honolulu, Hawaii.